If we accept the Fatherhood of God then it naturally follows that we are his children, brothers and sisters in one family of all race and colour. This confers upon us a dual responsibility to our Father and to each other, which we can sum up in one word – SERVICE.
The inequalities of modern society, the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the wise and the ignorant, provide an incentive for love and service. In our daily lives we meet those who need material help, to whom a kind word or small act may work wonders.
If we would extend this call to service beyond the confines of our family, our town, our country, out into the wide world, pain and suffering, tumult and wars would cease and we would bring into being “that peace which passes all understanding”.
It goes farther than that. The real meaning of our existence is not only our obligation to our fellow man. Man being himself a spirit here on earth is immortal and the brotherhood of man is extended into the spirit spheres. Spiritualism therefore gives a new and higher meaning to our mutual interdependence and to Brotherhood.