Eternal progress open to every Soul
The idea of eternal progress may seem hard for us to understand in this world where everything has an ending, but in the world to come, where there are neither clocks nor calendars, time is immaterial. Spiritualism points to the certainty of eternal progress, but the rate of our own particular advancement will depend upon one’s desire to do so, remembering that we shall have free will as we have here.
We shall by no means be idle in the Spirit World, in fact, we shall be extremely busy pursuing those paths which will lead us toward perfection – and we shall have eternity in which to do it.
The transition from our earthly world to our new existence in the Higher Life does not alter our present make-up or character.
We shall be just the same as we were before the passing, retaining our free will to fashion our new life with the sure knowledge that we shall be given the opportunity to make spiritual progress with no limit to time or the heights we can reach. Once again, we come face to face with our personal responsibility, even on the other side.
These principles are the crux of our spiritual philosophy. They are inter-dependent and their influence has transformed man’s outlook on life.